Bicycle Touring

  • Switzerland Cycling Trip

    This was originally posted on my old blog on 13 August 2008. I just returned yesterday from a cycling trip in Switzerland. It was… an experience. The adventure started on Friday, 8 August, really, when I went to my local bike shop to have the bicycle packed for the flight. It was a busy time…

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  • Idiots in Opels and Zen Moments

    This was originally posted on my old blog on 13 July 2008. I have this theory about Opels from the early nineties: they bring out the arsehole in anyone who gets behind the wheel. This theory was borne out again yesterday when I cycled from Dundalk to Shercock. My wrists and back were aching, and,…

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  • Four day cycling trip through Northern Ireland

    Cycling Trip This entry was originally posted in our family blog on 19 March 2008. In the process of moving blogs, I lost all the photos, though I still had most of them stored elsewhere. The order may be somewhat messed up, but as far as I remember, these are the pics I posted with…

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