Blog Posts

  • Is this thing on?

    I’ve been fighting fires since mid 2019. The details are either unimportant or important enough to justify a separate post, so I won’t go into them here. Suffice to say, I’m currently tidying my online presence and hope to set things up so that my activities are on the track I want and need them…

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  • Funeral

    She was buried on a Sunday in the final week of May in a grave beneath a headstone with her name, and with her dates The procession was perfection: sixteen cars behind the hearse. And the priest was very good, gave warmth and comfort with his words. Not much changed after her passing: she’d been…

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  • Making your own dungarees – old

    Some time ago I posted a guide and pattern to making your own dungarees. I am now more than ten years older and more kilograms than I’m prepared to admit fatter, and I have developed a much better dungarees pattern. However, the old guide is still available here if you want to have a look.

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  • Shoot him with a gun, then invite him to dinner

    This was originally posted on my old blog on 3 June 2017. When our daughter was about six years old, we always joked she was so pretty we’d already have to start saving for a shotgun for when the boys started visiting. One day, she asked me seriously what we would do if a boy…

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  • Narratives and Stories

    This was originally posted on my old blog on 25 April 2017. The film When Harry met Sally is famous for That Orgasm Scene, where Meg Ryan’s Sally proves to Billy Crystal’s Harry that women can fake it, by faking it right there in a restaurant. I remember the film for something much quieter, but…

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  • “Scoff-law cyclist” myth strikes again

    This was originally posted to my old blog on 29 March 2017. I was once admonished by a driver that I should wear a helmet when cycling. I politely pointed out to the driver that he was not wearing a seatbelt. Today, a pedestian crossing the street in front of me remarked how astounding it…

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  • I am not an idiot

    This was originally posted on my old blog on 20 March 2017. Our boiler is one of those that directly heats water instead of warming a whole tankful. It’s been acting up for months, but it always managed to revive itself and work if you just left it a while and tried again later. We…

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  • You say Pu-tay-toe, I say Pu-tah-toe… (Conversationalisation)

    This was originally posted on my old blog on 18 March 2017. I’m a sucker for the written word. I have been fascinated, since way before starting my studies, with how words are used to give subtle meaning to a written text, the reader not always realising they are being manipulated. Yet written text leaves…

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  • That Famous Paxman Interview

    This was originally posted on my old blog on 6 March 2017. It was for an assignment for the Media Discourse and Analysis module in my final year of undergraduate studies. Media analysis can be extra interesting for me as an immigrant. I grew up and lived in a world far removed from the one…

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  • Stop focusing on the unlocked door

    This was originally posted on my old blog on 23 February 2017. Would it make sense to be alarmed about a house’s door being unlocked, preaching to the occupant of the house about how they’ll be burgled or murdered if they don’t lock the door, if the house is on fire? I feel that’s what…

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